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That's Good! That's Bad!


  • Let the students know that the book follows a specific pattern.  Every time you say Oh, that's good.  Have them answer by saying Oh, that's bad.


  • Stop every few pages to have the students predict what will happen next.

    • i.e. The red balloon lifted the boy high off the ground - Oh, that's good.

                No, that's bad - what do you think bad could happen next?


Library Orientation


Review library rules and manners after reading That's Good! That's Bad! by Margery Cuyler.


  • create a class chart with “That’s Good” and “That’s Bad” columns demonstrating library rules

  • read out different rules and have the students sort them according to "That's Good" or "That's Bad"

  • play “Librarian says”, which is like Simon Says except inserting things like “Librarian says... point to the shelf markers.  Librarian says... point to the Everybody books”, etc.

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