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I Took My Frog to the Library


  • Where is the girl on the cover?

  • What is she doing?

  • Have you ever seen anyone do this before?

  • What doesn't belong on the cover?


  • Have students keep track of the different animals that Bridgett brings to the library.

  • Have them predict which animal Bridgett might bring next to the library.


  • Have you ever been to the libary?

  • Did you ever see any animals there?

  • Name all the animals that went to the library.

  • What does the frog do wrong?

  • What does the elephant do wrong?

  • How do the animals' mistakes affect the people in the library?

  • How does Bridgett keep her animals happy when she goes to the library alone?

  • Why does the elephant make a good babysitter for the other animals? 

Library Orientation


Review library rules and manners after reading I Took My Frog to the Library by Eric A. Kimmel.

  • Brainstorm the different rules that the animals broke when they came to the library.

  • Show students pictures of different animals (Animal Cards).  Discuss how these animals would behave in the library.  

    • i.e.  Show students a picture of a goat.  Model what their thinking might sound like.

      • "I know that goats like to chew on everything. So I think the goat would try to eat the books in the library."

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