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The Shelf Elf


  • The Shelf Elf starts off where The Elves and the Shoemaker by Jacob Grimm ended. Talk about the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker.    

  • Looking at the cover, what does this book remind you of?

  • What do you think the elves will be doing in this book?


  • How is Skoob's name related to the library?


  • Review the tools that the Skoob used in the book.

  • Brainstorm the rules that Skoob talked about. 

Library Orientation


Review library rules and manners after reading Shelf Elf by Jackie Mims Hopkins.  


  • Distribute the Shelf Elf statements around the library.

  • Have students practice using their 'walking feet' and quiet voices to go and find one of these statements and bring it back to the carpet.  

  • Have the students take turns sharing their statements and saying how the shelf elf would feel about the about the situation. Students can show thumbs up for situations that the Shelf Elf would be happy about and thumbs down for situations the Shelf Elf would be disappointed in.  

Sample Statements

The Shelf Elf reads his book on the bus.

Le Shelf Elf lit son livre sur l’autobus.

The Shelf Elf lets his pets and baby sister read his library books.

Le Shelf Elf laisse ses animaux et sa petite sœur lire ses livres de bibliothѐque

The Shelf Elf returns his library books late.

Le Shelf Elf retourne ses livres de bibliothѐque en retard.

The Shelf Elf eats his lunch while reading his book.

Le Shelf Elf mange son déjeuner tout en lisant son livre

The Shelf Elf leaves his book outside.

Le Shelf Elf laisse son livre à l’extérieur

The Shelf Elf turns pages one at a time.

Le Shelf Elf tourne les pages une à la fois.

The Shelf Elf always uses a shelf marker when trying to find his library book.

Le Shelf Elf utilise toujours un marqueur d’étagère en essayant de trouver son livre de bibliothèque.

The Shelf Elf keeps his hands, feet and objects to himself so others can listen or work.

Le Shelf Elf garde ses mains, pieds et objets à lui-même pour que les autres puissent écouter et travailler.

The Shelf Elf puts library books back wherever there is a free space on the shelf.

Le Shelf Elf met les livres de retour là où il y a de l’espace sur l’étagère.

The Shelf Elf found a damaged book and tried to repair it himself.

Le Shelf Elf a trouvé un livre endommagé et a essayer de le réparer lui-même.

The Shelf Elf uses his “inside voice” when speaking in the library.

Le Shelf Elf utilise sa “voix intérieure” lorsqu’on parle dans la bibliothèque.

The Shelf Elf respects others using the Library.

Le Shelf Elf respecte les autres qui utilisent la bibliothèque.

The Shelf Elf never pushes in the library.

Le Shelf Elf ne pousse jamais dans la bibliothèque.

The Shelf Elf never draws or writes in his library books.

Le Shelf Elf ne dessine ou écrit jamais dans ses livres de bibliothèque.

The Shelf Elf washes his hands before reading his book.

Le Shelf Elf lave ses mains avant de lire son livre.

The Shelf Elf takes his library books out in the rain.

Le Shelf Elf prend ses livres de bibliothèque sous la pluie.

The Shelf Elf returns his library books in the drop box before choosing new ones.

Le Shelf Elf retourne ses livres de bibliothèque dans la boite de dépôt avant de choisir de nouveaux.

The Shelf Elf paid for his damaged book.

Le Shelf Elf a payé pour son livre endommagé.

The Shelf Elf uses a pencil to “save” where he stopped reading. 

Le Shelf Elf utilise un crayon pour « sauver » ou il a cessé de lire.

The Shelf Elf always reads silently in the library.

Le Shelf Elf lit toujours silencieusement dans la bibliothèque.  

The Shelf Elf keeps his book away from water.

Le Shelf Elf garde ses livres loin de l’eau.

The Shelf Elf always runs in the library. 

Le Shelf Elf court toujours dans la bibliothèque.

The Shelf Elf never draws in his books. 

Le Shelf Elf ne dessine jamais dans son livre.

The Shelf Elf lets the librarian know that a page is ripped. 

Le Shelf Elf laisse la bibliothécaire savoir qu’une page est déchirée.

The Shelf Elf keeps his library books for three weeks. 

Le Shelf Elf garde ses livres de bibliothѐques pour trois semaines.

The Shelf Elf turns off the computer monitor when he is finished using the computer.

Le Shelf Elf éteint le moniteur d’ordinateur lorsqu’il a fini d’utiliser l’ordinateur.

Book Care

  • demonstrate how to use the tools that Skoob used in the book (i.e. shelf marker, book mark, etc.) and how books should look on the shelf.

  • discuss the pages about torn pages, scribbling, and chewing

  • discuss where the students can put their books to keep them safe at home.

  • demonstrate how to use of the shelf marker

  • hand out book marks and emonstrate how to turn the pages of the book to keep them from getting torn

The Shelf Marker Song

Sung to the tune of The Hokey Pokey


You put your shelf marker in.

(Put right hand and arm forward.)


You pull a book right out.

(Pull right hand and arm back.)


You look through the pages, to see what it's about.

(Touch sides of hands together like and open book. Left hand closes on top of right hand and then back open like you are turning the pages of the book.)


You do the bookey lookey, And you see if it's just right.

(Continue to hold hands like an open book.)


That's what it's all about!

(Slap hand on thighs twice, clap hand twice, open hand on the word about.)


You do the bookey lookey,

(Hold hands in the air and shake them like the hand motion in the Hokey Pokey.)


You do the bookey lookey.

(Repeat, shaking hand in the air.)


You do the bookey lookey.

(Repeat, shaking hand in the air.)


That's what it's all about!

(Slap thighs twice, clap twice, open hand on the word about.)

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